Blackheath Primary School

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School Tour

See below video that we hope will give you a feel for our wonderful school.

The Local Authority (LA) is responsible for the control of admissions to Blackheath Primary School.

Please follow the link below for more information.

School Admissions

Children with Particular Medical Condition / SEND

Blackheath Primary will act in accordance with the Local Authority Admissions policy for all children including those with a particular medical condition / SEND. The school will apply the same entry criteria to all pupils. Applications of children with a particular medical condition / SEND. must be accompanied by a medical declaration form (ASU75M) signed by the child’s general practitioner or consultant confirming the condition, detailing the child’s needs and specifying why, in their opinion, the preferred school is the only or most appropriate to meet the child’s needs. All applications under this criterion will be assessed by the local authority to decide whether the child’s need’s can be met most appropriately by the preferred school. Further information regarding admission criteria can be found at School Admissions A copy of the ASU75M can be found at the bottom of this page.

In the event of entry examinations, the school will support those with SEND by making any reasonable adjustments necessary, e.g. publishing exam papers in a larger font. Blackheath Primary School will strive to not put any pupil at a substantial disadvantage by making reasonable adjustments prior to the pupil starting at the school. All pupils, including those with SEND, will have appropriate access to all of the opportunities available to any member of the school community. Information will be obtained on future pupils in order to facilitate advanced planning. Prospective parents/carers of statemented pupils, and pupils with SEND, are invited to a transition meeting prior to the pupil starting the school in order to discuss the pupil’s specific needs.


Blackheath Primary School are responsible for their Nursery admissions. Please contact the school office to obtain the relevant form or click on the link below. Nursery places will be allocated in the summer term and will follow Sandwell LA’s Admission Guidance.

We offer a number of 30 hour and 15 hour places.  To find out if you are eligible for a 30 hour place please follow the link below.

Visits to School

We welcome visits to our school from prospective parents.  Visits will take place on the following dates and times;

19 September – 9.15am

19 November – 2.00pm

8 January – 9.15am

Nursery Application FormMedical_Grounds Form ASU75M